All-in-one services
Visualising solutions in complex systems
Green technologies
We are delivering on zero emissions technology, de-risking of renewable energy and fuel technologies
Machine Learning
A new highly innovative simulation technology that eliminates all bottlenecks of traditional CFD

Research-based revolutionary technology to facilitate physics-informed decision-making designs
Physics-based 3D model
Digital twin solutions for Industry 4.0
We deliver the next-generation CFD technology using results from pioneering research projects
Years of experience
Our team has been at the forefront of pioneering research projects in CFD (Marie-Curie project: SafeLNG (2015), H2020 project Geniors (2017), EPSRC project Pacific (2015) and one of the first projects in the EU for ML in CFD, H2020 project UPSCALE (2018).
Published R&D items
We led the development of a novel fluids simulation technology that combines AI for 3D flow predictions for complex fluids. This is the first such platform in industry and academia and will drive the next decade’s projects in the engineering sector.
Overall project cost
Since 2022, we have received funding for the first EU projects that focused on ML and CFD simulations for liquid hydrogen. We are one of the few EU research-based companies that drives the evolution of this technology.
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