MultiFluidX is an Independent Software Vendor (ISV) startup operating in the UK and Greece. MFX develops and sells advanced Computational-Fluid-Dynamics (CFD) software for various industries in the fields of Chemical, Automotive, Nuclear, Maritime, Health engineering where more than one fluids involved such as liquid/liquid, liquid/gas flows.
MFX addresses engineering companies developing and manufacturing products and systems involving complex fluid flows and different flow regimes (e.g. dispersed, bubbly, annular), in the field of automotive, aeronautics, marine, and many other industries.
Thanks to its talented team of CFD engineers MultiFluidX is developing dedicated flow models for multiphase flows using state-of-the-art numerical methods.
Our vision
Developing advanced multipurpose codes for next generation multiphase flows simulations
MultiFluidX aims at becoming a leading contributor to the revolution of computational physics by integrating world-class research into cutting-edge CFD products. Our mission is offering products that enable users to simulate the underpinning physics of complex phenomena that demand sophisticated numerical methods and dedicated models with particular focus on accurate and efficient CFD tools.
Our goal
Developing next-generation CFD software.
The MFX solvers allow engineers to perform accurate and quick Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations involing complex fluid flows systems with dedicated numerical solutions.
Our flagship solver MFflow implements leading edge multiphase flows methods with various capabilities for meshing. Our other solvers implement innovative methods for liquid/gas, liquid/liquid systems, turbubulence modelling, meshing tools and more.
As of 2020, MFX is owned by the software company Lyras EE.